For some odd reason, probably a quote I read or something, one day i said to say to myself
"self, you really need to create your own path in life don't follow any ones footsteps make your own!"
(The above statement is exactly why I shouldn't have conversations with myself.)
Now, one aspect of doing things my way that I was unaware of is how people take notice of my unique ways of handling things, which makes them want to pick my brain and try to figure me out, human nature I suppose?
On a daily basis I get bombarded with a range of questions, personal...REALLY personal questions, and questions about life, death, religion, politics and for some reason I was even asked about tampons vs. pads... from a woman...a real woman. (awkward moment of silence)
I don't claim to be smart, I don't claim to know everything, I don't claim to know anything really, but of all the things to know, the one area I know like no other is me, and honestly even with that there are some vast landscapes of unknown territory.
The problem is, that line between fact and opinion has become so blurred that people mistake one for the other. My assumption is since they see that I form my own opinions instead of adopting one, people have a general respect for the way I view things, cool. If you don't agree with my opinion, cool. If you ask for my opinion and I give it to you and you think I'm an idiot, cool. If we go through the motions only for you to tell me I think I know everything, coo-wait no, not cool.
im not your google bitch! (im not even my google ho!)
The sad part is, even if I choose to keep my mouth closed and say nothing at all, it still results in an argument, and believe it or not people have gotten either so good, or so bad at arguments that it only takes one person to argue now....seriously I've seen it with my own two ears.
and for the record, we are all stupid...and by "we" i mean not me.
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