idiots are stoopid, oh, and they're idiots.

CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) – A man suffered injuries to his arms after he and a
friend hopped the fence at a Canadian zoo early on Monday and stuck his hands
into the tiger exhibit, zoo officials said.
The Calgary Zoo said the two men sneaked into the facility after midnight and headed to the Siberian tiger enclosure, where one of the men climbed over an outer fence.

I don't really consider myself to be much above average, as it relates to
being smart or making decent decisions. As of late, sensible sense is
not common among most. What sense, or lack there of, must you be possessed
with to birth the idea that you are going to :

A. break in a zoo and...

B. ...actually do it and...

C. ...once you get in, stick your dumb ass arm which is attached to your dumb
ass body which is being controlled by your dumb ass brain into a cage...which,
of all things, contains a biological meat shredder with a perpetual attitude problem AKA tiger.

wtf is there at a zoo that is worth stealing? somebody...anybody..nobody? Okay so maybe he just wanted to see some wild life.

Here is a simple suggestion, Animal Planet bitch. If you're feelin really bold, pay extra to view it in HD, that way u can avoid all the lil pesky things that wild animals tend to do such as... ooo i dunno, use your limbs as gingivitis fighting chew toys.

If you just have to have the full on experince...such as taking in the sounds or those delightful animal up at the damn zoo during regular business hours. Sure the prices are a little steep but guess what? Showin up after dark ended up costing and arm and-- u get the point.


Friday, October 9, 2009


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