*its not supposed to make sense to you.
Constant Variables
idiots are stoopid, oh, and they're idiots.
friend hopped the fence at a Canadian zoo early on Monday and stuck his hands
into the tiger exhibit, zoo officials said. The Calgary Zoo said the two men sneaked into the facility after midnight and headed to the Siberian tiger enclosure, where one of the men climbed over an outer fence.
I don't really consider myself to be much above average, as it relates to
being smart or making decent decisions. As of late, sensible sense is
not common among most. What sense, or lack there of, must you be possessed
with to birth the idea that you are going to :
A. break in a zoo and...
B. ...actually do it and...
C. ...once you get in, stick your dumb ass arm which is attached to your dumb
ass body which is being controlled by your dumb ass brain into a cage...which,
of all things, contains a biological meat shredder with a perpetual attitude problem AKA tiger.
wtf is there at a zoo that is worth stealing? somebody...anybody..nobody? Okay so maybe he just wanted to see some wild life.
Here is a simple suggestion, Animal Planet bitch. If you're feelin really bold, pay extra to view it in HD, that way u can avoid all the lil pesky things that wild animals tend to do such as... ooo i dunno, use your limbs as gingivitis fighting chew toys.
If you just have to have the full on experince...such as taking in the sounds or those delightful animal smells...show up at the damn zoo during regular business hours. Sure the prices are a little steep but guess what? Showin up after dark ended up costing and arm and-- u get the point.
Florida Fuckery

Aint this supposed to be October? Aint October supposed to bring cooler temperatures? Aint cooler outside temperature supposed to equate to a lower energy bill? Aint "aint" not a word?
Well I guess some kinda way October called in, and June or July ol' hot ass is taking Octobers spot for the month. I mean, it felt like October for the first few days, it was cool, nippy and nipply outside. The trees started saggin' a lil green grass started to brown, I started smiling at the fact that i could open a damn window instead of my wallet in order to keep cool, and suddenly it went from 57 degrees on a Tuesday morning to 93 degrees...the same gat damn Tuesday afternoon.
This upsets me because my car is... slightly off in the head. I can only turn my AC on if im going 50mph or higher...any lower and the bitch starts to act like a scene from that movie speed, i dont really feel like exploding in a vehicle so...i just don't turn on my AC... it sucks that no matter how "fresh" i think i am, by the time I get
I was never a fan of this song but i think i can relate now. Hopefully November wont call in too.
The Hand I've Been Dealt.

The Giver, she has an amazing gift, too bad all the people around her tend to use her until she can no longer give. We talk and text often throughout the day, she leans on my words because I guess they some how comfort her, she has told me on multiple occasions that I am one of the few people who understands her. I don't understand how she figures I get her because people are the only equations I don't even attempt to understand. I mostly accept people for how they are until they expose who they are and from there I determine if my temperament is compatible. I think she has picked up on the fact that I don't want anything from her so that makes her willingness to give in my direction even more intense. I'm not exactly sure whats going through her mind at this point but shes made some pretty "interesting" comments and it does make me wonder where shes trying to go, I'll remain silent for the moment.
The Haunting, like any and all good bad ghost's she's from my past, she doesn't want me to get out though, she wants me to let her in. No. I had a dream that pretty much sums up what happens every time I give her a little of my time, complete chaos. In my dream I was with my family, and some of her family members showed up, I always got along really well with her mother and grandmother. Out of nowhere The Haunting shows up and places this small object in the center of where we were all standing, I go to get a closer look at what she left laying on the ground and as I look over to ask her what it is I notice that shes leaving. I look over at her mother, and the device suddenly explodes. Thank you dream angel...i get the picture.
The Decade, I spent a lot of time trying to make this one work. A decade to be exact. Since there is so much history there, I have to keep this one brief. Some how I guess she finally understands that I'm not the monster she made me out to be to all her family and friends, and during that time I was going through so much, I did nothing to stop or combat the lies, I remember walking into her job and all her little co-workers would give me the super evil eye. Funny how time has a way of turning tables, she finally came right out and said it. She wants me back, right now though all shes going to get is my back.
The Future, she is who I am most interested in, too bad I'm on a one lane road right now. Some hair line fractures have started to surface. We are both in the same situation to where we know what we want, just not sure when we are going to get there, and at this rate, if we are going to get there at all. Its becoming harder to communicate with her because she often feels like shes under attack and I'm the one commanding the assault. Nothing could be further from the truth, I think she is unknowingly wanting to brush me to the side, but I really don't want to over think this. She's a good girl who thinks shes not because of how unhappy she is with the end result of some of her decisions. I wish she could see that we both have the same problems, we just handle them differently. She has shown me that sometimes people do things that are supposed to be meaningful with people who are meaningless. I don't think I've done a very good job at showing her anything, maybe that's why she seems to be drifting. Guess its true what they say, the future can always be changed. I hope shes there whenever I arrive.
Sideline, this poor girl just wants to be loved, period. I wont be surprised if she all of a sudden becomes a lesbian, but knowing her even then its still just to get a mans attention. I fell for her trap not because I like her, or even want to be in a relationship with her, but because there was a point in time where I saw that she needed help and thought that I would actually be able to help her. I hate learning things all over that I already knew, but life is like that sometimes. She confused my offers of help as request's for action. NAH DAWG IM SKRAIT! I refuse to be yet another poke and go in her life, and in the years to come, hopefully it dawns on her that shes worth more than a after party piece. If not, she'll continue to live a miserable life probably give birth to some kids she doesn't even want and die alone drunk or high in her own self pity...sad face...kinda. She actually KNOWS what she's doing isn't going to benefit her in the long run, and from that stand point, be the best jump off you can be babygirl. Dial soap, CHECK! time to wash those hands Saitek.
ella me ama, ella me ama no

In my life, the prospect of new love has always looked something like an open road with good weather. The path to be traveled is wide open, there is no traffic and conditions are perfect.
Much like love and life no matter how open the road is when you first start, you have no idea how the weather will change, if the road will deteriorate as you travel forward, or if other things will appear on your road to knock you off course.
As I currently travel, the image in my rear view mirror is the same as the road ahead, I've been here before. The only thing in my favor this time is I know exactly whats going to happen if I do as I did last time I was here. As it all unfolds in slow motion I struggle with which choices to make.
I'm not sure which is more alluring, the chase, or the girl but I do know that speeding in slow motion doesn't make this trip any safer. Maybe I shouldn't be so worried about the wreck, and focus more on if shes worth the crash. I should have pulled over when I had the chance, but if I recall correctly, its a little too late for that.
I hope I remembered put my seat belt on this time...
I Don't Know You

For some odd reason, probably a quote I read or something, one day i said to say to myself
"self, you really need to create your own path in life don't follow any ones footsteps make your own!"
(The above statement is exactly why I shouldn't have conversations with myself.)
Now, one aspect of doing things my way that I was unaware of is how people take notice of my unique ways of handling things, which makes them want to pick my brain and try to figure me out, human nature I suppose?
On a daily basis I get bombarded with a range of questions, personal...REALLY personal questions, and questions about life, death, religion, politics and for some reason I was even asked about tampons vs. pads... from a woman...a real woman. (awkward moment of silence)
I don't claim to be smart, I don't claim to know everything, I don't claim to know anything really, but of all the things to know, the one area I know like no other is me, and honestly even with that there are some vast landscapes of unknown territory.
The problem is, that line between fact and opinion has become so blurred that people mistake one for the other. My assumption is since they see that I form my own opinions instead of adopting one, people have a general respect for the way I view things, cool. If you don't agree with my opinion, cool. If you ask for my opinion and I give it to you and you think I'm an idiot, cool. If we go through the motions only for you to tell me I think I know everything, coo-wait no, not cool.
im not your google bitch! (im not even my google ho!)
The sad part is, even if I choose to keep my mouth closed and say nothing at all, it still results in an argument, and believe it or not people have gotten either so good, or so bad at arguments that it only takes one person to argue now....seriously I've seen it with my own two ears.
and for the record, we are all stupid...and by "we" i mean not me.
Random Rants

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